How long does the Dexcom G6 Pro transmitter last?

The Dexcom G6 Pro transmitter records data up to 10 days. At the end of the session, a healthcare provider has up to 30 days from the CGM insertion date to extract data from the transmitter, using the reader. The Dexcom G6 Pro transmitter is disposable and cannot be reused.

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How long does the Dexcom G6 transmitter last?

The transmitter battery is good for 3 months. We recommend that you have your next transmitter in hand within 3 months of starting your previous transmitter.
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Will my transmitter battery last through my next session?

The transmitter battery is good for 3 months. Starting at 3 weeks before the end of its battery life, the warnings count down the transmitter battery life until it has only 10 days.

How do I replace my Dexcom G6 transmitter?

You will receive transmitter end of battery life alerts on your display device. You should use the transmitter until you receive the message to pair a new transmitter.
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