Dexcom CGM and Lilly Tempo FAQs

Will the insulin data from the Tempo Smart Button also be available in the Dexcom CGM app?
No, insulin data will not be available within the Dexcom CGM app. Refer to TempoSmart App or Tempo Insights for reports.
Will the insulin data from the Tempo Smart Button be visible in Dexcom Clarity for Dexcom CGM users?
No, insulin data will not be available within Clarity. Refer to TempoSmart App or Tempo Insights for reports.
Will Dexcom CGM Glucose Data be viewed in the TempoSmart App?
Yes, Dexcom CGM data can be viewed in real time within the TempoSmart App.
Is real time CGM data available within the TempoSmart App or Tempo Insights?
Yes, once you pair your Dexcom G6/G7 with the TempoSmart App. An internet connection is required to receive real time data.
Can I still use my Dexcom app?
Yes, you will use both mobile apps. To control the Dexcom CGM, you can still use the Dexcom mobile app which offers many great features including Follow, Clarity and Smart Watch functionality. Visit to view the list of compatible phone models for the Dexcom CGM.
How do I pair my Dexcom G6/G7 with my TempoSmart App?
  1. At the bottom of the TempoSmart app screen, select More from the menu.
  2. Click on Connections and Devices.
  3. Click on Continous Glucose Monitor.
  4. Click on CGM Data by Dexcom, and follow the directions provided.
What is the Tempo Personalized Diabetes Management Platform?
The Tempo Platform fully integrates select Lilly insulins, hardware, software, analytics, and customer support to offer tailored and comprehensive daily guidance for patients managing their diabetes.
What are the components of the Tempo Platform? 
  • The Tempo Smart Button: Tracks, stores, and transmits insulin dosing data to the TempoSmart app
  • Tempo Pen: Compatible with the Tempo Smart Button and prefilled with approved Lilly insulins
  • TempoSmart app: Tracks your patients’ diabetes and health-related data. Offers basal insulin recommendations or bolus dosing guidance using custom algorithms based on individual patient data and personalized treatment plans, as well as diabetes-related educational materials to support patients in their diabetes self-management
  • Tempo Insights web portal: Supports clinical decision-making and provides a more accurate picture of your patients’ health by capturing insulin dosing data, missed doses, duration of insulin action, glucose readings, carbohydrate intake, exercise, and more via printable SMART Visit Report—after permission is granted by your patient. Tempo Insights also displays data for patients who have activated basal insulin recommendations or bolus dosing guidance
What is in the Welcome Kit?
The Tempo Welcome Kit includes an introductory letter; a Tempo Smart Button; a Tempo Blood Glucose Monitoring System with a quantity of 100 each of lancets, blood glucose test strips, and pen needles; and access to the TempoSmart app.
Which insulins are compatible with the Tempo Smart Button?
Tempo Pens are currently for use in adults aged 18 years or older, and their indications vary based on the insulin brand:
  • Basaglar
  • Humalog
  • Lyumjev
Can tempo connect to other smart devices? 
The Tempo Platform is compatible with several smart devices, including activity trackers (eg, Fitbit, Garmin), Samsung Health, the Apple HealthKit, Google Fit, and the Dexcom CGM.
What are some of the new features in the latest version of the TempoSmart App™?
  • Fast-acting Insulin Dose Calculator*
  • Insulin Adjustment Program (IAP)
  • Prime Auto-Marking
Please visit to learn more.
*If you are a fast-acting insulin user, your healthcare professional may activate the Insulin Dose Calculator feature for you. This is used within your TempoSmart App to help you calculate your insulin doses based on your carb intake and glucose value. Once your healthcare professional has authorized the Insulin Calculator to be activated for you, you will be required to complete an in-app training on your TempoSmart App.
Do I need a prescription for the TempoSmart Bolus Calculator?
If you’re an existing Tempo patient, your provider will need to activate this app feature for you. If you are new to Tempo, you will need a prescription to begin
Is Dexcom G6/G7 compatible with the Bolus Calculator?
Yes, users will have the option to use their latest Dexcom CGM value to calculate their recommended mealtime insulin dose.
Prior to using the prescription bolus Insulin Dose Calculator, a patient will be required to complete in-app training on the use of the calculator. This is a safety feature to ensure the patient has a good understanding of the feature and how it works.
If a patient is using a CGM, they will be given 6 total questions and will need to correctly answer 5 out of 6 questions before they can use the calculator.
Is Dexcom G6/G7 compatible with the Basal Titration feature?
No. The Basal Titration feature requires daily input of a BGM reading.

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