New to CGM

If you’re new to real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and diabetes, the videos below can provide the foundational knowledge of what diabetes is, how insulin works, and how CGM can help people living with diabetes manage their glucose levels.

An introduction to real-time CGM

Not sure how CGM works? This educational video will describe the mechanisms of CGM, the difference between blood glucose monitors and CGM and how real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM) can help people living with diabetes to monitor their glucose levels and manage insulin dosing.

What is diabetes?

Get to know the differences between Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes, and how this affects you as a person living with any of these conditions.

Insulin and diabetes management

Learn about how insulin works, different types of insulin available and why it is important for management in people living with diabetes.
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Get your Dexcom G6

Learn more about the features of Dexcom G6 and experience simplified diabetes management today!
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Ready to get started?

Now you know how real-time CGM can help, itʼs time to set up your Dexcom G6 system.
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