How do I replace my sensor and start a new sensor session?

Ending Your Sensor Session
Each sensor session lasts up to 10 days with a 12-hour grace period at the end. The grace period gives you more time to replace your sensor, so you can do it when it's convenient for you. The time left in the grace period shows on your screen. During the grace period, your sensor continues to work as it did during the sensor session.
You'll get alerts letting you know your sensor session or grace period will end soon.
You can choose to wear the sensor until the grace period ends, or you can end the session early.
To find out how much time you have left in your sensor session, go to
Connections > Sensor in the app, or in the receiver, go to Menu > Information > Sensor > Sensor Info. When the sensor expires, the 12-hour grace period starts.
You must end the Dexcom ONE+ sensor session or grace period before you start a new sensor.
You can end it in one of two ways:
  • Automatically, when the grace period ends (you will get an alert letting you know)
  • Manually, before the grace period ends
Automatically: End sensor when grace period ends
You only need to end your sensor session on one display device. At the end of the grace period, you will get the Start New Sensor alert.
At the end of the grace period, you'll get the Replace Sensor Now alert:
Manually: End sensor before grace period ends
To end your session early from the app, go to Connections > Sensor.
Tap either:
  • Replace sensor: If you want to start a new sensor immediately;
  • Stop sensor session: If you want to stop this sensor without starting a new one
Then, follow the instructions on the app screens.
To end your session early from the receiver, go to Menu. Go to either:
  • Replace sensor: If you want to start a new sensor immediately;
  • Stop sensor session: If you want to stop this sensor without starting a new one
Then, follow the instructions on the receiver screens.
How to remove a sensor:
After sensor session ends, peel off patch like a bandage. To make it easier, try these tips:
  • Loosen edge and soak patch in body oil, like baby oil or an adhesive remover for skin (see product instructions before using).
  • Use adhesive removal wipes for skin to rub the skin that gets exposed as you peel back the patch.
Try different pulling techniques:
  • Pull off the patch slowly, folding it over itself, in the same direction of hair growth
  • Stretch loosened edge, and push your fingers under the patch to pull it off skin


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