Troubleshooting Dexcom G7 CGM System
Troubleshooting (Using Your Dexcom CGM)
Why am I getting Signal Loss?
Your display device may be too far from your sensor or there may be something, such as a wall or water, between your sensor and your display device.
What do I do if my CGM values seem inaccurate?
Refer to the Dexcom G7 User Guide for information on Dexcom G7 accuracy.
Sensor Adhesion Issues
How can I avoid irritated or sensitive skin caused by the Dexcom G7 sensor adhesive?
Some people may be sensitive to the sensor adhesive, so extra care can help. Follow the insertion instructions carefully, review the site preparation tips and consider these points.
How can I keep my Dexcom sensor adhered to my body?
Follow the insertion instructions carefully. Extra care may help you keep your sensor on for the entire sensor session.