Can I view my Dexcom CGM data on an Android Wear watch?

Yes, you can check your CGM on your wrist! The Android app supports Android Wear watches to discreetly view your glucose reading, trend arrow, and trend graph.
To set up the Dexcom CGM watch face:
  1. Press and hold on the current watch face.
  2. Scroll to the Dexcom watch face and tap to select.
See your watch instructions for more information on setting a watch face.
Your Wear watch only communicates with your Android smart device, not the Dexcom G5 Transmitter. You will not get glucose readings, alarms, or alerts on the watch unless it is connected with your smart device. For example, if you are wearing your watch and you go out, but leave your smart device at home, you will not receive any CGM data.
Your Wear watch syncs your current CGM data from your smart device. There may be a brief delay before your watch face shows current information.

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