
Deb Lloyd Has Lived with Type 1 Diabetes for 63 Incredible Years

Deb Lloyd

You were diagnosed at such a young age –what was life like as a young person living with type 1 in the 1960s?

First of all, my parents were so relieved I had a manageable condition. In those days, to test blood sugar levels, we did not have finger prick tests and had to put our urine and a special tablet in a test tube several times a day including in the middle of the night. The colour change would let us know how high or low my levels were.
I was really lucky as I was never bullied or picked on because of my diabetes and my friends all wanted their own science tests to test their urine well. My parents were also determined to raise me like any other child and treated my brother and myself equally in every respect.
I do remember when I went to birthday parties my mum would have to call ahead and let the parents know I had type 1 diabetes and to walk them though what I could and could not eat as in those days, birthday parties were all sugar snacks and cakes, and we only had two insulin shots a day, one in the morning and one at night.

How has your diabetes management changed over the years?

I had my children when I was 22 and 25 and was still testing my blood sugar levels the old-fashioned way. I had to get up every night to make sure my levels were ok. My husband has been such a wonderful support to me, particularly during difficult days. I was also on bovine insulin for 59 years, most of my life, or as I like to call it, “the beef.”
In 2019 I started on my first CGM, the Dexcom G5 Mobile, and it drastically changed the way I managed my diabetes. My biggest issue was always that my sugar would dive at night but thanks to the Dexcom alerts and alarms I had my first full night’s sleep in over 55 years!
The share function also lets my husband keep track of my levels and he is always reminding me to check the readings especially during our daily hour-long walks.
For someone who has had type 1 diabetes as long as I have, Dexcom has been a real-game changer and provides such peace of mind. I’ve found the technology so easy to use. Anyone who believes older Australians struggle with technology, I am here to prove them wrong!
Debs Family

You have had type 1 diabetes for over 60 years now. What are some of the life lessons you would like to share?

I have had type 1 diabetes for 63 years now and was recently awarded the Kellin 60 medal. I try not to let diabetes impact my lifestyle – the words “you can’t do that” are not in my vocabulary. Whether it is family, we have two children and two grandchildren; to career, my husband and I had several businesses over the years, diabetes has not slowed me down. We are retired now, and I really enjoy dancing, singing and learning to play the ukelele as well as my daily walks. Just a few years ago we spent four years traveling around Australia in a caravan and I believe everything is possible if you have the right attitude.

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